First I want to say that out of the three original Houston news stations your app is the best. But then again, that is like your dog coming in second in the worlds ugliest contest ---- still ugly and not a winner.
Too may articles remain embedded far too long. The site needs a scheduled cleaning plan ----- I suggest every week.
The investigation section is so sad. Few, if any, hard hitting pieces are done and the few "investigative" articles remain for months.
To change gears, for heavens sake start using spell check and grammar check maybe this will convince folks that someone there attended a college.
You are reporting the news in the fourth largest city in the United States, act like it. This is no longer 1955 small town Houston.
And please wait until all the facts are in to post an article. "Breaking news" is not impressive without the facts.
Samsons Barber about
Click2Houston - KPRC 2